MM SG – Army Tactics

The Study of Army (PLAA) Tactics (陆军战术学*):

MM-SG-Army-Tactics (Link to PDF Study Guide)

* The Study of Army Tactics 陆军战术学, PLA Publishing House (军内), and other sources used to create this study guide.

陆军战⽃⼒量 PLA Army (PLAA) Combat Forces

基本⼒量 Basic Forces

– 步兵 Infantry
o 摩托化步兵 (输送汽车) Motorized Infantry (moves by Transport Trucks)
o 机械化步兵   Mechanized Infantry
(步兵战⽃车,装甲输送车)(Fights with or from IFVs, ICVs, or APCs)
o 徒步步兵 Foot Infantry
(can be modified with: 搭乘直升机、搭乘登陆⼯具 travel by helicopter, amphib., etc.)
– 装甲兵 Armor(亦称:坦克兵, a.k.a. Tankers)
o 坦克兵团、部队 Tank Formations, Units
o 坦克、机械化步兵部队 Tank and Mechanized Infantry Units
(Organized with Arty, Anti-Tank, Air Defense, NBC defense, Commo, Engineer, and other support units)

– 炮兵 Artillery
o 压制炮兵 Suppression Artillery
— 加农炮、榴弹炮、加浓榴弹炮、⽕箭炮、迫击炮 – Cannon, Howitzer, Gun-Howitzer, Rocket Artillery, Mortar
o 反坦克炮兵 Anti-Tank Artillery
— 地地战术导弹、滑膛加农炮、⽆座⼒炮 – Tactical SSM, smoothbore cannon, recoilless gun/rifle
o 侦察、测地、⽓象等 Reconnaissance, geo-survey, weather-survey, etc.,

– 防空兵 Air Defense
o ⾼炮部队、地空导弹部队、雷达部队 – AAA, SAM, Radar
– 陆军航空兵 Army Aviation(陆航)
o 攻击直升机部队、运输直升机部队、战⽃勤务直升机部队、后勤,装备保障部队
Attack Helo Units, Transport Helo Units, Combat Support Helicopter Units, Log/Equip. Support Units

– 电⼦对抗兵 Electronic Warfare **
o 电⼦侦察部队、电⼦⼲扰部队 – Electronic Reconnaissance Units, Electronic Interference Units

保障⼒量 Sustainment Forces

– ⼯程兵 Engineers
o ⼯兵部队、⾈桥部队、建筑部队、伪装部队、⼯程维护部队、给⽔⼯程部队 – Military Engineer Units, Pontoon
Bridging Units, Construction Units, Camouflage Units, Engineer Maintenance Units, Water Supply Units

– 通信兵 Communications
o 固定通信部队、野战通信部队、通信⼯程部队、指挥⾃动化部队、观通部队、导航部队、军邮部队
Fixed Commo Units, Field Commo Units, Communications Engineer Units, Command Automation Units,
Observation/Communications Units, Navigation Units, Military Postal Units

– 防化兵 Chemical Defense
o 防化部队(观测、侦察、洗消)、喷⽕部队、发烟部队
Chemical Defense (Observe & Survey, Recon, Decontamination), Flamethrower Units, Smoke Generation Units

– 侦察兵 Recon **
o 装备:观察、照相、雷达、传感、⽆线电截收和测向器材
Equipment: Observation, Camera, Radar, Sensors, Wireless Intercept and Geo-locate (Direction Find)
o ⽆⼈驾驶侦察飞机、装甲侦察车、摩托侦察车 Unmanned Recon Planes, Armored Recon Cars, Motorized Recon Cars

** In some sources ‘Electronic Warfare’ and ‘Recon’ do not have full “branch (兵种)” status, but both do in The Study of Army Tactics.

协同陆军战⽃的其他⼒量 Other Forces that Coordinate with Army Combat (Forces)
– 空军 Air Force, 海军 Navy, 武装警察部队 PAP (CAPF), 民兵 Peoples’ Militia, 预备役部队, Reserve Forces Units

陆军战⽃类型 Army (PLAA) Types of Battles

(Compare with US Army concept, fundamentals of operations [for Offense and Defense])

Modern Army combat is mainly divided into two major types, Offense and Defense. Offense is an external lines operation for the purpose of destroying the enemy or seizing (attack and occupy) an important location or objective. Defense is an internal lines operation for the purpose of holding a position, resist an enemy’s attack, or kill, maim, and wear down the enemy. 现代陆军战⽃主要分为进攻和 防御两种⼤类。进攻仍是以歼灭敌⼈、攻占重要地区和⽬标为⽬的的外线作战; 防御则还是以扼守阵地、抗击敌⼈的进攻、杀 伤消耗敌⼈为⽬的的内线作战。

进攻 – Offense
The Purpose of the Offense: to destroy the enemy, (or) seize (attack 攻 and occupy 占) an important location or objective. 进攻⽬的:歼灭敌⼈、攻占重要地区或⽬标。

进攻战⽃特征 Key Characteristics of Offensive Combat/Battles
– 谋划具有主动性 In planning, (the offense) possesses initiative
– 准备具有周密性 In preparations, (the offense) possess thoroughness
– ⼒量对⽐具有优势性 In correlation of forces, (the offense) possesses superior posture (momentum, “shi” 势)
– ⾏动具有突然性 In action, (the offense) possesses surprise

An offense in contact with the enemy has 3 stages:
assault/charge, penetration/breakthrough, and deep battle.
与敌直接接触 – – – 三个阶段:冲击、突破、纵深战⽃
An offensive initiated from the march has an approach, make contact with the enemy, and other stages.
⾏进间发起 – – – 开进、接敌、等阶段

进攻战⽃基本样式 – Basic forms of Offensive Battles
– 对防御之敌进攻战⽃Attack a defending enemy
(突破,连续不断的重点攻击)focuses on: penetration, relentless strikes on a key point
– 对⽴⾜未稳之敌进攻战⽃ Attack an enemy just gaining a foothold or who is not yet set
– 对运动之敌进攻战⽃ Attack an enemy on the move

防御 – Defense
The Purpose of the Defense: kill, maim, and wear down the enemy, hold a certain location or objective, delay or defeat an enemy attack, create time, or conserve troop strength in order to protect another direction/ effort attack or prepare for transition to the attack. 防御⽬的:杀伤、消耗敌⼈,扼守某⼀地区或⽬标,迟滞或挫败敌⼈进攻,争取时间,节约兵⼒,为 保障其他⽅向的进攻或准备直接转⼊进攻创造有利条件。

防御战⽃特征 Key Characteristics of Defensive Combat/Battles
– 谋划具有被动性 In planning, (the defense) possesses passiveness
– 准备具有随机性 In preparation, (the defense) possesses pragmatism (must follow with what opportunity arises)
– ⼒量对⽐具有劣势性 In correlation of forces, (the defense) possesses inferior posture (momentum, “shi” 势)
– ⾏动具有隐蔽性 In action, (the defense) possesses concealment

防御 – Defense (Continued)

可能担负下列任务:(a unit in the defense) can shoulder the following list of missions
– 保卫重要地区或⽬标 protect an important area or objective
– 迟滞、消耗、钳制、吸引敌⼈创造歼敌的有利战机或掩护主⼒进攻 delay, wear down, contain (pincer and control),
draw in an enemy to create a favorable combat opportunity or protect the main force attack
– 阻敌增援、突围或退却 block the enemy’s reinforcement, breakout, or retreat
– 巩固占领的地区、抗击敌⼈反冲击(反突击)或保障主⼒翼侧安全 consolidate occupied territory, resist enemy’s
counterattack, or ensure security of the main force’s flank
– 掩护主⼒集中、机动或休整 protect the main force’s concentration, maneuver or rest and reorganization

与敌直接接触 – – – in contact with the enemy (compare to Russian concept “Defense in Contact)
与敌⾮直接接触 – – – not in contact with the enemy (compare to Russian concept “Defense Out of Contact)

防御战⽃基本样式 Basic forms of Defensive Battles
– 阵地防御战⽃ Positional Defense
– 运动防御战⽃ Moving Defense (moving from position to position to wear down, contain or delay the attacking enemy)
– 机动防御战⽃ Mobile Defense (using a small portion of your force to fix/draw-in the attacker, while using the main
force to maneuver and attack/destroy the attacking enemy)

战役机动的基本样式 – Basic Forms of Campaign Maneuver

(Compare to US Army “Basic Forms of Maneuver” from FM3-90, Tactics)

– 开进 Approach
– 纵深包围 Deep Envelopment
– 迂回 Flanking Movement
– 穿插 Penetration
– 垂直包围 Vertical Envelopment
– 退却 Retrograde

⾮战争军事⾏动 Non-War Military Activities

(Compare to US Army “MOOTW”) (See also MM Study Guide on NWMA at

⾮战争军事⾏动 Non War Military Actions (NWMA; note PLA translates as: MOOTW)
– 提供安全(⾏动) provide security (operations)
– ⼈道主义援助(⾏动) humanitarian assistance (operations) [HA of HADR]
– 抢险救灾(⾏动) rescue and relief work (operations) [DR of HADR]
– 缉毒 investigate drug smuggling, capture drug-smugglers
– 维持和平(⾏动) peace keeping (operations) [PKO]
– 打击恐怖活动 strike terrorist activities (to attack the activities of terrorists)
– 反暴乱 counter-instability (暴乱 – mass instability, disorganized instability, internal chaos)
– 反暴动 counter-insurgency (暴动 – intentful damage, insurgency, counter gov’t movement)
– ⽀援他国地⽅政府 assist foreign (other country’s) local government
– 撤运⾮战⽃⼈员 evacuate and transport non-combatants (NEO)